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Unitat de recuperació d'àcid acètic d'una planta d'acetat de vinil monòmer - TFG:2958

Student:Pidhorodetskyy, Myroslav
Title in original language:Unitat de recuperació d'àcid acètic d'una planta d'acetat de vinil monòmer
Title in different languages:Acetic acid recovery unit from a VAM plant
Keywords:distillation, equipment design, vinyl acetate
Subject:Enginyeria Química
Abstract:In this final degree project 3 units belonging to a vinyl acetate monomer production plant that uses the Bayer process were studied. The first one is the azeotropic column unit, which is responsible for obtaining a distillate and an almost pure column bottom product of vinyl acetate and acetic acid, respectively, from a mixture of more than 15 components. The second unit studied is the so-called ethyl acetate column. Its function is to purify acetic acid. Finally, the third unit studied is the dehydrating column unit. It is responsible for purifying vinyl acetate. Each of the units contains a distillation column and its associated equipment (heat exchangers, reflux accumulators, pumps, ...). The scope of this project includes a preliminary study of the different units, the functional and mechanical design of all the equipment mentioned above, a study of the safety of the facilities, an environmental manual, a maintenance manual, an operation manual and an economic study.
Project director:Basco Montia, José
Department:Enginyeria Química
Education area(s):Enginyeria Química
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2020-12-15
Work's public defense date:2020-07-07
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Chemical engineering
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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