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Diseño de un tren de acabado de una planta de producción de alkoxylados insolubles en agua - TFG:2961

Student:Martin Miranda, David
Title in original language:Diseño de un tren de acabado de una planta de producción de alkoxylados insolubles en agua
Title in different languages:Design of a finishing train for a water insoluble alkoxylado production plant
Keywords:Batch/finishing train/PEG
Subject:Enginyeria Química
Abstract:Antonio Cabello Rimbau has entrusted us with the design of a finishing train for an alkoxylated glycol production plant due to the great growth in demand in recent years. The five different end products that the company will finally sell are: PEG 300, PEG 400, PEG 600, PEG 1000, PEG 1450. Total production during a calendar year amounts to 1.34E+05tons. Neutralization with acetic acid is carried out for the production of PEG 1450. For PEG 600 and PEG1000, their neutralization is carried out with phosphoric acid and then it is passed through a filter to eliminate the crystals that form during neutralization. For the production of PEG300 and PEG400, a slurry will first have to be formed and mixed with the product so that it finally passes through a candle filter. At last, to reach the specification, the PEG 600, PEG 1000, PEG 300 and PEG 400 must be passed through a vacuum tower with which the amount of water can be reduced. In the report you can see the diagrams (Block diagram, PFD, P&ID and layout), lists of pipes, instruments, equipment and valves, specification data sheets, and the design of a tank, pump and the cartridge filter. Furthermore, the control and functionality of the plant have been as well described. Finally, an economic study of the plant has been prepared to specify the feasibility of investing in the project. As a result of this study it is determined that the investment of the project is economically profitable, with a VAN of 1.36E+08, a TIR of 86.3% and a Payback period of 5years and 2 months.
Project director:Cabello Rimbau, Antoni
Department:Enginyeria Química
Education area(s):Enginyeria Química
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2020-12-15
Work's public defense date:2020-07-08
Academic year:2019-2020
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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