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El dol i la discapacitat intel·lectual - TFG:3167

Student:Domènech Sanz, Ariadna
Title in original language:El dol i la discapacitat intel·lectual
Title in different languages:Mourning and intellectual disability
Keywords:Grief, intellectual disability, lost, comprehension ability, normalization
Subject:Treball social
Abstract:It is difficult to talk about the grief that is experimented when a loved one is lossed; nobody is trained to deal with this situation. In addition, if the intellectual disability is added, commonly, the society tens to avoid the suffering of them and not made them part of it, because it is known that they don’t have enough reason capacity and sense of the reality. The grief is related with the reaction when a loved one has died. Homewer, there are other kind of losses, that are normalized since is a concept that is continuously present in the people’s life, it is because of it that are underestimades. The matter that this project cover is the normalization of the death by the view of this collective, as well as, the existence of another kind of losses that are present of the day a day of the people of the intellectual disability people. From the direct contact with the people of this collective, it has been possible to identify and analyse real experiences with the objective of give visibility and normalize their reality, that sometimes goes unnoticed.
Project director:Perelló Bargalló, Dra. Josefa
Department:Antropologia, Filosofia i Treball Social
Education area(s):Treball Social
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2021-05-04
Work's public defense date:2020-06-30
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Social Work
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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