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Design of a pilot plant for the reclamation of industrial wastewater with minimum liquid discharge - TFG:3377

Student:Zurita Sánchez, Alba
Title in original language:Design of a pilot plant for the reclamation of industrial wastewater with minimum liquid discharge
Title in different languages:Design of a pilot plant for the reclamation of industrial wastewater with minimum liquid discharge
Keywords:nZLD systems, industrial wastewater reclamation, pilot plant
Subject:Enginyeria química
Abstract:The industrial growth of the petrochemical complex in Tarragona has a strong dependence on water availability. AITASA currently supplies AEQT companies with urban wastewater that is reclaimed in its installations, and is in process of building a new plant for the reclamation of industrial wastewater to meet the new BREF requirements of the sector. However, these water sources may not be enough in the future, thus compromising the industrial development of the area. To start studying possible ways to avoid this future scenario, the present project consists of the preliminary design of a pilot plant based on a nZLD (near zero liquid discharge) system, a tertiary treatment that seeks to recover as much water as possible from both the inlet and outlet of the new plant for the reclamation of industrial wastewater. This pilot plant will be built in AITASA’s installations in Polígon Entrevies at the end of 2021, where it will operate for two years in order to evaluate its performance and study the possibility to implement it in an industrial scale. The present project has been elaborated with Eurecat foundation, and is part of ULTIMATE, a 4-year Horizon2020 project under the EU Water in the Context of the Circular Economy programme (grant agreement 869318).
Project director:Tarragó Massalles, Jaume
Department:Enginyeria Química
Education area(s):Enginyeria Química
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2021-07-12
Work's public defense date:2021-06-21
Academic year:2020-2021
Subject areas:Chemical engineering
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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