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Vivències i experiències del jove amb dolor crònic d'origen no neoplàsic en el seu procés de salut-malaltia. Estudi d'un cas - TFG:438

Student:Vendrell Cabanillas, Meritxell
Title in original language:Vivències i experiències del jove amb dolor crònic d'origen no neoplàsic en el seu procés de salut-malaltia. Estudi d'un cas
Title in different languages:Personal stories and experiences of a young person with non-neoplastic chronic pain towards their health and disease process. Case Study
Keywords:Chronic pain, Young adult, Quality of life
Subject:Dolor crònic - Aspectes psicològics
Abstract:ABSTRACT Chronic pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as an unpleasant sensory experience which duration exceeds six months or is maintained even though the cause that produced it has disappeared. It affects 20% of the population between 18 and 30 years, causing an impact on all the vital aspects: physical, psychological, emotional and social. This situation represents a reduction in the quality of life, especially for young people because they are in a life stage full of challenges and a perfect health is expected from them. Aims: to know the experience of a young person with non-neoplastic chronic pain in her health-disease process. Explore which aspects of daily life affect more on quality of life, coping strategies, future expectations and perceptions of society, health workers and nursing intervention. Material and methods: phenomenological qualitative case study based on a young's experience with non-neoplastic chronic pain in young, realized through a semi-structured interview. Results: in the stage of youth social relations as both academic preparation / job placement and leisure activities are very important. Pain represents a decrease or inability to perform these activities, generating feelings of frustration and anger and a serious impact on quality of life. Conclusions: a social recognition of chronic pain in young people is required, as well as an optimization of their management and control, in which the figure of the nurse could provide a new perspective, thus improving the therapeutic approach. Keywords: Chronic pain, Non-neoplastic origin, Young adult, Quality of life
Project director:Castillo Cepero, Maria José
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2016-01-14
Work's public defense date:2015-08-06
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Health sciences
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