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Poligamia en España: reagrupación familiar y pensión de viudedad - TFG:520

Student:García Marí, Alberto
Title in original language:Poligamia en España: reagrupación familiar y pensión de viudedad
Title in different languages:Polygamy in Spain: family regrouping and widows' pension
Keywords:polygamy, public order, attenuated public order, family regrouping, widow's pension
Abstract:This project analyses how polygamy fits into the Spanish legal system. Firstly, is vital to take into consideration that there is a total rejection of this marital situation by the Spanish state as it goes against the main principles of our society. Adding the fact that no legal regulation actually exists for this, means that the Courts have had to treat each case individually and therefore, with a consequent great diversity. The issue regarding family regrouping of two or more wifes, when the spouse has got legal residence in Spain will be explained here, along with how the widows’ pension could be divided up. Given the fact that polygamy is unaccepted, can we allow any pension at all? And if so, should it be for just one of them or could it be divided up amongst all of them? An answer will be given in this project considering a consequential jurisprudence conflict, which far from establishing firm legal basis, could lead to an injustice for the subjects who has legally engaged in this polygamy in theirown country.
Project director:Font Mas, Maria
Department:Dret Privat, Processal i Financer
Education area(s):Dret
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2016-01-28
Work's public defense date:2015-05-26
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Juridical sciences
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