Repositori institucional URV
Español Català English
Las tachas del testigo en la Ley 1/2000 - TFG:525

Student:Guinovart Martín, Victoria
Title in original language:Las tachas del testigo en la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil
Title in different languages:The disqualification of witnesses in the 1/2000 of 7th January of Civil Procedure Law
Keywords:Disqualification, witness, interrogation
Abstract:The purpose of this current work of end of law grade is the critical study of the present regulation of the disqualification of witnesses laid down in our Law 1/2000 of 7th January, regulating the Spanish Civil Procedure. This paper is divided into three parts: firstly, an analysis of the legislation in force regarding disqualification of witnesses in civil proceeding; in the second part, after detecting the most important problems of this legislation, has proposed alternatives to the current regulation; and finally, thirdly, a comparative and critical analysis is performed of our legislation with the last two procedural laws civilians have occurred in Europe (i.e. the Portuguese Civil Procedure Code) and South America (namely the General Code of Colombia Processing Unit).
Project director:Picó i Junoy, Joan
Department:Dret Privat, Processal i Financer
Education area(s):Dret
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2016-01-28
Work's public defense date:2015-05-29
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Juridical sciences
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