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Habitatge digne i pobresa energètica: un dilema a solucionar - TFG:540

Student:López Molina, Ariadna
Title in original language:Habitatge digne i pobresa energètica: un dilema a solucionar
Title in different languages:Vivienda digna i pobreza energética: un dilema a solucionar
Keywords:housing, dignity, energetic poverty
Subject:Dret a l'habitatge
Abstract:The title of this academic study is “Habitatge digne i pobresa energètica: un dilema a solucionar”, has been developed in tree main axis, the first of them is about the non-consideration to the right to housing as fundamental right in the Spanish regulation frame and the repercussion of this fact; the second one is the non-consideration of the European jurisprudence linked to the first axis; the third one is the existing relationship between the dignity housing and the energy poverty. In each axis is developed a bunch of questions: The housing right as human right and fundamental right; the housing right as social right; the housing right in the Spanish normative; discerning the regulation in the autonomous community; the system of possession, unoccupied homes and housing policy; jurisprudence analysis; the energy poverty in the normative frame in Europe, Spain and Catalonia.
Department:Dret Públic
Education area(s):Dret
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2016-01-28
Work's public defense date:2015-05-26
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Juridical sciences
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