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Gestor de cites i calendari amb PowerPlatform - TFG:5918

Student:García Sigano, Rubén
Title in original language:Gestor de cites i calendari amb PowerPlatform
Title in different languages:Appointment and calendar manager with PowerPlatform
Keywords:data, low-code, application
Subject:Aplicacions web
Abstract:Low-Code technologies are platforms focused on offering business solutions, adapting to business needs. Until now, these tasks had a high level of complexity and required advanced knowledge to use specific tools. Therefore, such platforms seek to democratize these technologies. The main goal of this work is to develop an application for the company Clearpeaks using one of the most used and well-known platforms within this technological paradigm, Microsoft Power Platform. This development will help us to explore the real possibilities of this type of tool and in particular that of Microsoft. Finally, after the development of the application, the aim is to define the advantages and disadvantages experienced during the process.
Project director:Sànchez Artigas, Marc
Department:Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques
Education area(s):Enginyeria Informàtica
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2023-05-04
Work's public defense date:2022-06-20
Academic year:2021-2022
Subject areas:Computer engineering
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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