Repositori institucional URV
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Integració i transformació del Polígon Nord Petroquímic del Camp de Tarragona. Canvi de Paradigma del Patrimoni industrial, una nova forma d’habitar. - TFG:6296

Student:Vázquez Sánchez, Jaume
Title in original language:Integració i transformació del Polígon Nord Petroquímic del Camp de Tarragona. Canvi de Paradigma del Patrimoni industrial, una nova forma d’habitar.
Title in different languages:Integration and transformation of the Petrochemical North Polygon of Camp de Tarragona. Paradigm change of industrial heritage, a new way of habitation.
Keywords:Industry, obsolescence, green hydrogen
Subject:Zones industrials
Abstract:Emissions of polluting gases continue to rise today. The continuous search for well-being that first world society has caused this situation. The industry in the countryside of Tarragona contributes to the problem. At present, they have already approved action plans in which a change of energy model where there are no emissions is considered. The study detects the planned obsolescence of this sector. The action consists of a long-term structural change based on renewable energies. This change is accompanied by the ecological transition, adopting an economic and social model in which we produce, consume and live sustainably.
Project director:Gironès Saderra, Antoni
Department:Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
Education area(s):Arquitectura
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2023-09-05
Work's public defense date:2023-06-19
Academic year:2022-2023
Subject areas:Architecture
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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