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La Inspección de Trabajo; funciones y su procedimiento sancionador. - TFG:653

Student:Mir Tur, Andrea
Title in original language:La Inspección de Trabajo; funciones y su procedimiento sancionador.
Title in different languages:The Labour Inspectorate; functions and its sanctioning procedure
Keywords:Functions, penalties, infraccions
Subject:Inspecció de treball
Abstract:This project is based on the legislation that regulates labour inspection and its functions, as well as the jurisprudence handed down by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. With it, I wish to convey to the reader the main functions of this administrative corps, functions that are assigned to it to guarantee a working life out of dangers to the health of the worker and to avoid that the entrepreneur can commit infractions with regard to the employment relationship. In the case that the employer committed infractions, the Labour Inspectorate has the power to sanction; the second important point that is developed in this project, the sanctioning process that launched the Labour Inspectorate. The reader may deepen as regards this administrative corps, so knowing the functions, attributions and powers that are granted to them. Besides, knowing the sanctioning procedure that can be carried out and the presentation of allegations against administrative resolutions arising from the mentioned procedure
Project director:Fuentes i Gasó, Jose Ramon
Department:Dret Públic
Education area(s):Relacions Laborals i Ocupació
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2016-05-03
Work's public defense date:2014-05-27
Academic year:2013-2014
Subject areas:Juridical sciences
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