Repositori institucional URV
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El nivell d'expressió oral en anglès de l'alumnat de 6è d'Educació Primària - TFG:6813

Student:García Villa, Paula
Title in original language:El nivell d'expressió oral en anglès de l'alumnat de 6è d'Educació Primària
Title in different languages:The level of oral expression in English of pupils in the 6th year of Primary Education
Keywords:English language, students, oral expression
Abstract:In this work, a study has been carried out to analyze the level of the 6th grade students in terms of English oral competence. Thanks to research instruments such as interviews and questionnaires, we were able to obtain significant data for the study. Due to the study of the elements involved in the teaching-learning process of English, we have been able to conclude that the level of oral expression of the 6th grade students of the chosen school is adequate to their age and that the children could hold a conversation in English.
Project director:Márquez Márquez, Enric Jacint
Education area(s):Educació Primària
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2024-02-12
Work's public defense date:2023-06-12
Academic year:2022-2023
Subject areas:Education sciences
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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