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Propostes de millora en l’atenció als alumnes amb TEA a l’aula ordinària de Primària - TFG:6815

Student:Pallàs Guardiola, Guillem
Title in original language:Propostes de millora en l’atenció als alumnes amb TEA a l’aula ordinària de Primària
Title in different languages:Proposals to improve attention to students with ASD in the regular Primary classroom
Keywords:autisme, ASD, inclusion
Abstract:This TFG studies the difficulties of students with high-functioning ASD within the Catalan education system, specifically in the ordinary Primary classroom, and proposes improvements. These students often find difficulties in participation, inclusion, following the class, socialization... And you have to ask yourself if the Catalan school gives the right answer to these difficulties The theoretical framework of the TFG is divided into two parts: In the first, it is defined Autism Spectrum Disorder and the distinguishing features and instruments are listed evaluators It also explains the evolution of the concept of autism since its beginnings researchers until today. In the second part of the theoretical framework, measures and resources provided by the Catalan education system to educate students with ASD. The methodological framework starts from the following research question: The primary school teachers, who they work in the ordinary classroom, in Catalonia, they have sufficient support to accompany i facilitate the inclusion (in the cognitive and social sphere) of students with ASD? To answer it, the results of surveys answered by almost 200 teachers, as well as by young people, are analyzed affected by the disorder and three interviews with experts in ASD. They are also related and they comment on didactic documents and proposals on the subject, and it can be seen that there are few of them documents generated in Catalonia. From the analysis of everything, a series of conclusions in the form of improvement proposals. The last proposal is deepened: creation of a guide in the form of a web portal, which could be called The TEA in the inclusive school, available of the entire educational community, to provide the best tools, measures and supports for adequate attention for students with ASD in the regular Primary classroom.
Project director:Casellas Sanahuja, Monica
Education area(s):Educació Primària
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2024-02-12
Work's public defense date:2023-06-12
Academic year:2022-2023
Subject areas:Education sciences
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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