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La propuesta de tipificación de los matrimonios forzados en el Proyecto de Reforma del Código Penal - TFG:75

Student:Méndez Marsal, Òscar
Title in original language:La propuesta de tipificación de los matrimonios forzados en el Proyecto de Reforma del Código Penal
Title in different languages:The proposal of criminalization of forced marriages on the Draft Reform of the Penal Code
Keywords:forced marriage, consent
Subject:Matrimoni--Dret i legislació
Abstract:The present work has as object the study of the phenomenon of forced marriages, in the first place, in a sociological way, taking into account the causes that are the basis of their production and the effects that it causes to the victim. After this analysis, I expect to go over the legislation, both the national and the international ones, which affect not only the marriage in general but also the forced marriage. Within this field, I study the international rules (international treaties or communitarian law), national rules (the civil code as the rule that contains the main regulation about marriages in Spain) and also Catalan legislation that has the objective of fighting against this phenomenon. It is also considered the Court decisions about crimes that are related to forced marriages. Thirdly, and as a key point of the work, I analyze comprehensiveness about the new crime that is included at the Draft reform of the Penal Code, relating it to institutions of the general part of penal law and analyzing its application field. Finally, it contains final considerations, including the conclusions drawn from the work done.
Department:Dret Públic
Education area(s):Dret
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2015-01-29
Work's public defense date:2014-05-28
Academic year:2013-2014
Subject areas:Juridical Sciences
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