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Estudio del programa de salud infantil y adolescente y su adherencia en la zona de las 3000 viviendas de Sevilla - TFG:765

Student:Mateos Pajares, Beatriz
Title in original language:Estudio del programa de salud infantil y adolescente y su adherencia en la zona de las 3000 viviendas de Sevilla
Title in different languages:Study of the program child and adolescent health and adherence in the area of 3000 viviendas in Seville
Keywords:Healthy child, Children's health, Andalucía, Sevilla
Subject:Infants - Salut i higiene - Andalusia
Abstract:Abstract Objective. Analyze health care provided to healthy child in Seville, focusing on the implementation of the PSIA-A program established in the autonomous community of Andalusia. Methodology. Data collection was performed as age, sex and number of pediatric visits, with a population of study within an age range of 0-14 years included in the program and health center belonging to the Poligono Sur. Results: A sample of 210 under the quota corresponding to one of the doctors in charge of the program, a total of 2503 children in the study area was studied. The compliance rate according to the program in the early years is 65% stake. In the second evaluation in recent years the rate of compliance falls to 0%. Conclusions: Despite the socio-cultural or economic situation of the study area, we can see that there is a 65% stake in the program when there is a requirement in the continuity of visits by reminders by professional managers of children in the center. After analyzing the attention given to healthy child during visits, you can detect a wide participation by professionals to promote the participation of patients. Key Words Healthy Child, Children's Health, Andalucía, Sevilla
Project director:Ferrer Frances, Silvia
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2016-07-05
Work's public defense date:2016-06-06
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Health sciences
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