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Control de glucemia en el paciente crítico: Revisión bibliográfica - TFG:773

Student:Puerta Benito, Juan Manuel
Title in original language:Control de glucemia en el paciente crítico: Revisión bibliográfica
Title in different languages:Glucose Control in critically ill patients: Literature Review
Keywords:Hyperglycemia, Glucose control, Critically ill
Abstract:Abstract: Has been shown that glucose control in critically ill patients can modify the patient outcome, therefore it’s crucial its management. Objective: To review the literature of glycemic control in critically ill patients and the appropriate range of blood glucose levels in these patients in order to unite and clarify concepts that will contribute to patient safety. Methods: Literature review on the data bases Cuidatge, Cuiden Plus, Dialnet Plus, PubMed y Cinhal. Are included the qualitative, quantitative and review articles published from 2007 to 2015, written in Spanish and English. Results: Stress hyperglycemia is very common in critically ill patients, that develops as a physiological response to an attack on the body, producing hormonal changes that worsen the outcome of the patient. The recommended range of glucose in the critically ill patient is 140-180 mg/dl, being the blood glucose monitoring essential to minimize the risk of hypoglycemia, which also worsens the patient's progress. Conclusion: Stress hyperglycemia is a common factor in critically ill patients, being a morbidity marker and being used as a outcome predictor. The treatment of stress hyperglycemia is performed with continuous infusion of intravenous insulin, starting when glucose exceeds 180 mg/dl, and holding it between 140 and 180 mg/dl, monitoring it until its stabilization. Keywords: Hyperglycemia, Glucose control, Critically ill, Stress.
Project director:Yepes Trigueros, José Manuel
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2016-07-07
Work's public defense date:2016-08-06
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Health sciences
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