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Principales factores asociados al abandono temprano de la lactancia materna. Revisión Bibliográfica - TFG:780

Student:Mateo Valero, Cristina
Title in original language:Principales factores asociados al abandono temprano de la lactancia materna. Revisión Bibliográfica
Title in different languages:Main factors associated with the early abandonment of breastfeeding . Literature review
Keywords:Abandonment, Breastfeeding, Factors
Abstract:Summary Introduction: Breastfeeding has many benefits both for the mother and the baby, however, the WHO advices are not currently fulfilled. Aim: To define the main factors associated to breastfeeding early abandonment in Spain. Methodology: the study consisted in a bibliographic research in the following databases: Cuiden, Cuidatge, Dialnet and Academic Google. Results: 45 articles were obtained from which 29 were selected. Discussion: After the study finalization many causes were associated to breastfeeding early abandonment, such as factors related to the mother characteristics, the type of birth, the medical professionals, factors directly related to breastfeeding and the baby age. Conclusions: it is necessary to give an appropriate education both before and after the birth by nursing and midwife professionals.
Project director:Ferrer Francés, Silvia
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2016-07-08
Work's public defense date:2016-06-06
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Health sciences
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