Repositori institucional URV
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El silenci administratiu en matèria urbanística - TFG:82

Student:Noche Casanova, Roser
Title in original language:El silenci administratiu en matèria urbanística
Title in different languages:Administrative silence in Town-planing Law
Keywords:silence, administrative, town-planing
Subject:Dret urbanístic
Abstract:This thesis means to study the figure of the administrative silence and the effects that it produce in the town-planing field of Catalonia. The administrative silence has been regulated in many rules and it has suffered different variations throughout time. The most important one, taken place in 2011 and in which the direction of silence is modified, caused a great controversy among experts. Therefore, during the thesis, the figure of administrative silence and its historical and present regulation will be observed, with special emphasis on Ley 30/1992 and its own modifications. Subsequently, we will analyze the effects that administrative silence produce in the town-planning field, with special attention on the modifications taken place through the Real Decreto Legislativo 8/2011 and the Ley 8/2013. The methodology employed to realize this thesis is mainly based on the study of the general legislation for administrative silence, on administrative laws, and also on the national and catalan town-planning legislation. To complement the study other autonomic legislations will be taken. All this with the support of theoretical materials about administrative silence and its application in the town-planning field by prestigious professionals. The final aim is to determine the specific effects produced by the figure of the administrative silence and the effects generated due to the modification of the direction of this traditional peaceful figure by the state legislator.
Department:Dret Públic
Education area(s):Dret
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Creation date in repository:2015-02-05
Work's public defense date:2014-05-30
Academic year:2013-2014
Subject areas:Juridical Sciences
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