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Qualitat de vida i influència del rol d'infermeria en les dones mastectomitzades - TFG:830

Student:Sebastià Garcés, Carolina ; Viña Vallespi, Maricel
Title in original language:Qualitat de vida i influència del rol d'infermeria en les dones mastectomitzades
Title in different languages:Quality of life and influence the role of women in nursing mastectomized
Keywords:Breast Cancer, Nursing Role, quality of life - mastectomy
Abstract:QUALITAT DE VIDA I INFLUÈNCIA DEL ROL D’INFERMERIA EN LES DONES MASTECTOMITZADES: Revisió Bibliogràfica QUALITY OF LIFE AND INFLUENCE THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN NURSING MASTECTOMIZED Carolina Sebastià Garcès i Maricel Viña Vallespí Estudiants Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Campus Terres de l’Ebre ABSTRACT: Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Spanish women, represents 29% of all cancers. Although breast cancer mortality has declined in recent years due to screening programs remains the leading cause of cancer death in women in Spain. When a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer generates a psychological imbalance which affect all ares of your life. Nursing able to provide a holistic caring for the needs of these patients. Objective: how affected the quality of life of patients with breast cancer undergo surgery and which nursing interventions are carried out. Methods: We conducted a literature review. The source of information was the database BDENF, Baby, Cuidatge, Dialnet, Pubmed, Scielo and handsearching, in Spanish, English and Portuguese and the IP was made between 2015 and 2016. To perform a search more comprehensive articles they use different criteria for inclusion and exclusion. Results: In the various databases were selected 37 articles. After performing a read in-depth articles, reading the full text, finally chose 22 articles which meet all the criteria. Conclusion: The breast is a symbol of physical beauty and fertility, the loss of this organ generates dolororosa experience. Breast reconstruction is key to the recovery of these patients as it helps restore body image, increase their self-esteem and improve quality of life. The role of nursing in these women is essential to meet patient needs and achieve a good recovery. Keywords: Breast Cancer, Nursing Role, quality of life, mastectomy, breast reconstruction
Project director:Sáez Vay, Florencia
Education area(s):Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:12
Creation date in repository:2016-07-27
Work's public defense date:2016-06-08
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Health sciences
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