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El celler com a element estructurador de l'oferta enoturística a la comarca del Priorat - TFG:965

Student:Vaqué Farnós, Alba
Title in original language:El celler com a element estructurador de l'oferta enoturística a la comarca del Priorat
Title in different languages:The winery as a structuring element of the wine tourism to the region of Priorat
Keywords:Winery, Priorat, Wine tourism
Subject:Enoturisme -- Priorat (Catalunya)
Abstract:The final degree project “The winery as a structuring element of the wine tourism to the region of Priorat” is a study of the evolution of tourism in the region of Priorat and how the wineries and cooperatives have adapted to this tourism. In a theoretical framework are studied the factors for the wine tourism development and its wine tradition, like their designations of origin’s peculiarities and characteristics. It’s interesting to know the infrastructure and services provided by the region and that support tourism as well as those natural and cultural resources complementary to wine tourism. More extensively studied the tourist adequacy of the wineries of the wine route in Priorat 2014. Thus, a search of the quality and access regulation is made, about the abundance and type of their sign posts and, about the facilities and services offered to tourists. Finally, it’s interesting to study the use of these wineries respect to the number of visits they receive and how they promote themselves. Collected all this information and after analysis, conclusions were determined and points are set about the services that can be improved.
Project director:Beas Secall, Lorena
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2016-10-19
Work's public defense date:2014-06-06
Academic year:2013-2014
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
Access rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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