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Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Tourism: The Opportunities and Challenges of implementing a Sustainability Concept and the TourCert CSR Certification at Tour Operators in Germany - TFM:1092

Student:Laukenmann, Janna-Marie
Title in original language:Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Tourism: The Opportunities and Challenges of implementing a Sustainability Concept and the TourCert CSR Certification at Tour Operators in Germany
Keywords:Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainable tourism, tour operators
Abstract:This Master´s Thesis aims to find out about the opportunities and challenges of implementing a sustainability concept, as well as CSR certifications at tour operators. Based on the findings of the theoretical part about Corporate Social Responsibility, as well as sustainability in general and in relation to tourism, a sustainability concept is developed in various steps. The empirical part of this Master´s Thesis sheds a light on the chances and challenges of incorporating sustainability and being certified with the TourCert CSR certification from the perspective of tour operators, who are already certified.
Project director:García Álvarez, Dr. María Ercilia
Education area(s):Gestió de Destinacions Turístiques
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2022-01-27
Academic year:2021-2022
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
Creation date in repository:2022-07-25
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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