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The (mis)match between the perceived and projected images of tourist destinations - TFM:1129

Student:Van der Linden, Tim Egidius Carolus
Title in original language:The (mis)match between the perceived and projected images of tourist destinations
Title in different languages:The (mis)match between the perceived and projected images of tourist destinations
Keywords:Tourism Destination Image, Mental Mapping, Tourism Destination Management
Abstract:The phenomenon of tourism and the actions of tourists are driven by image to a certain level. This study seeks to find if there is a (mis)match between the perceived and projected image, from the context of Catalan DMOs and Dutch tourists. To capture the broad image of tourism destinations, this study uses the qualitative method of mental mapping as a useful way to reveal how tourists perceive tourism destinations and a content analysis on the official website of the Catalan Tourist Board is conducted.
Project director:Ustrov, Yury (PhD).
Department:Gestió d'Empreses
Education area(s):Gestió de Destinacions Turístiques
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2022-09-14
Academic year:2021-2022
Subject areas:Tourism and leisure
Creation date in repository:2022-10-10
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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