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Estudio para la implantación de un viñedo destinado a espumosos en la DOP Granada - TFM:117

Student:Duran González, David
Title in original language:Estudio para la implantación de un viñedo destinado a espumosos en la DOP Granada
Title in different languages:Study for the implementation of a vineyard intended for sparkling wine in the DOP Granada
Keywords:Vineyard, sparkling wine
Abstract:This work is based on the realization of a planting vines project for the production of sparkling wine, aged over 24 months using varieties cool climates in one of the southernmost regions of the European continent, in the name DOP Granada. Today the few sparkling wines of the appellation are produced with muscatel of Alexandria, because it is the variety that has traditionally grow in the last centuries, producing correct young sparkling wines, but with very little aging potential. The basis of the project is to identify, adapt and implement the various conditions that may affect optimal ripening varieties, at first sight unfit for southern latitudes, for the production of sparkling wines of some breeding. For this purpose, it conducted a study of climate, soil, selected varieties, rootstocks to use as well as the choice of the property, the design and establishment of the plantation and care and cultivation techniques to apply. Always respecting the current legislation and the costs would be about.
Project director:Hidalgo Camacho, José
Department:Bioquímica i Biotecnologia
Education area(s):Begudes Fermentades
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:15
Work's public defense date:2016-06-27
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Enology
Creation date in repository:2016-09-07
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