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Análisis y diseño de una aplicación informática de la norma UNE23585:2004 de Sistemas de Control de Temperatura y Evacuación de Humos para naves de una sola planta con actividad industrial - TFM:134

Student:Carrasco Noguer, Raquel Ariadna
Title in original language:Análisis y diseño de una aplicación informática de la norma UNE23585:2004 de Sistemas de Control de Temperatura y Evacuación de Humos para naves de una sola planta con actividad industrial, incluida la de almacenamiento
Title in different languages:Analysis and design of a Standard UNE23585:2004 software application of Temperature and Smoke Control Systems for industrial buildings of one floor, including storage
Keywords:Smoke control, smoke ventilators, fire protection
Subject:Edificis industrials -- Mesures de seguretat
Abstract:Smoke is the leading cause of death among fire victims, making smoke and temperature control systems fundamental elements, in order to guarantee the safety of the occupants. Inside a building, the greatest danger is the easy spread of smoke for all the enclosures that are not properly distributed or separated. This fact can cause that fire evacuation routes are not in good condition to allow free evacuation of occupants in the building. The UNE 23585:2004 standard define the requirements, calculation and design methods, to project this type of systems. It is extensive and in many ways, difficult to understand so it needs certain time to be carefully studied. The present job analyzes this standard including the basic mechanisms in the development of a fire and smoke production. It evaluates the relationship and influence of the most important parameters and describes the calculation methodology for the case of a one floor building with industrial activity and/or storage. Finally it is designed a calculation software that uses the mentioned legislation to obtain basically, the required number of natural extraction smoke ventilators to protect the building in case of fire.
Project director:Turon Rodriguez, Carlos
Department:Enginyeria Electrònica, Elèctrica i Automàtica
Education area(s):Enginyeria Industrial
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:10
Work's public defense date:2016-09-16
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Chemical engineering
Creation date in repository:2016-10-17
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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