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Microalgal composition modulation for an effective biorefinering concept - TFM:150

Student:Borràs, Marta
Title in original language:Microalgal composition modulation for an effective biorefinering concept
Title in different languages:Microalgal composition modulation for an effective biorefinering concept
Abstract:As fossil fuel demand is constantly growing, the search for other sources to replace it has pointed out microalgae as the most promising candidates among alternative sources. Microalgae can synthesize a large variety of chemicals, which a part from biofuel, can also have their application in different industries such as biomedical or food and feed ones. Since biofuel production from microalgae is not economically viable, biorefineries are the only way to have economically profitable production from microalgae. However, biorefinery bottlenecks have to be overcame to counteract economic issues of microalgae implementation. Focused on one of those bottlenecks, our study aimed at developing a cultivation process to achieve modulation of industrial related compounds, by combination of different carbon sources as the strategy to direct microalgae metabolism. Changes on synthesis and productivity have been achieved as effects of carbon source additions. Carbon source combinations finally confirmed first steps on Scenedesmus production process modulation.
Project director:Katakis, Ionis
Work's codirector:González Benito, Ángel
Department:Enginyeria Química
Education area(s):Nanociència, Materials i Processos - Tecnologia Química de Frontera 
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:24
Work's public defense date:2015-09-09
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Chemical engineering
Creation date in repository:2016-10-20
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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