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Balancing Techniques for Battery Modules - TFM:1593

Student:Añó Martinez, Pau
Title in original language:Balancing Techniques for Battery Modules
Keywords:Battery, Balancing, SOC, Capacity, Energy
Subject:Enginyeria electrònica
Abstract:Electrical Vehicle batteries are complex and require a lot of electronics to be managed safely into an automotive environment. One of the main functionalities of these electronics is to try to compensate the difference that may appear between the cells present on a Battery. On this project different balancing techniques are presented, from the ones that are currently state of the art to ones that are not deployed currently. Some of the presented techniques are implemented into a MATLAB environment. A series of tests are performed between techniques on that environment to compare them.
Project director:Vidal Idiarte, Enric
Department:Enginyeria Electrònica, Elèctrica i Automàtica
Education area(s):Tecnologies del Vehicle Elèctric
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Work's public defense date:2023-09-12
Academic year:2022-2023
Subject areas:Electric vehicle technologies
Creation date in repository:2024-03-05
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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