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Aproximació a la caracterització de l’horitzó ibèric antic (segles VI ane-V ane) a la Fortalesa dels Vilars (Arbeca - TFM:191

Student:Alba Castellano Aragonés
Title in original language:Aproximació a la caracterització de l’horitzó ibèric antic (segles VI ane-V ane) a la Fortalesa dels Vilars (Arbeca, les Garrigues)
Title in different languages:Aproximation to the caracteritzation of the early Iberian period in the Fort of els Vilars (Arbeca, Garrigues)
Keywords:Iron Age, early Iberian period, Catalan western plain, Fortress of Vilars, urbanism.
Subject:Ibers-Arqueologia-Catalunya-Les Garrigues
Abstract:This work comes from the need to fill part of the gap in the Catalan western plain on the ancient Iberian period (VII-VI centuries ane ane), from the study of the settlement of the Vilars (Arbeca, the Garrigues). The characterization is presented in the work includes the urban development of the settlement between the periods of the first iron and ancient Iberian, as well as the study of the ceramic elements (from statistical analysis) appeared in Fortaleza in this period and metallic elements. Through this study is to make an approach to this moment of change in the Catalan western plain, full of technological innovations moment, cultural changes, which are implicit flow of ideas between the peoples of the Mediterranean and indigenous people, reflected in architecture and the materials recovered in Vilars.
Project director:Belarte Franco, Maria Carme
Work's codirector:Junyent Sánchez, Emili
Department:Història i Història de lArt
Education area(s):Arqueologia Clàssica
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Work's public defense date:2016-09-08
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:History
Creation date in repository:2016-01-20
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