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Synthesis and Chemical Functionalization of Neodymium-doped nanoparticles as Nanothermometers in the Second Biological Window - TFM:223

Student:De la Cruz Jesús, Lucia Guadalupe
Title in original language:Synthesis and Chemical Functionalization of Neodymium-doped nanoparticles as Nanothermometers in the Second Biological Window
Title in different languages:Synthesis and Chemical Functionalization of Neodymium-doped nanoparticles as Nanothermometers in the Second Biological Window
Keywords:Nanoparticles, neodymium
Subject:Enginyeria química
Abstract:1 to 5 at. % Neodymium-doped monoclinic phase KGd(WO4)2 and hexagonal phase NaGdF4 nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by the Pechini sol-gel and hydrothermal methods, respectively. Under excitation at 808 nm, the 3 at. % Nd:KGd(WO4)2 nanoparticles exhibited strong emission bands at 883 nm and 1067 nm in the near infrared region range, corresponding to the4F3/2 →4I9/2 and 4F3/2→4I11/2 transitions of Nd3+, respectively. This last emission lies in the second biological window, and shows promising properties for thermal sensing in this range of wavelengths. In fact, the thermal analysis of these nanoparticles indicated a linear ascent behavior of the fluorescence intensity ratio in both strong. Finally, the surface of these nanoparticles was functionalized by silanization using 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane as the coupling agent, allowing deagglomerating and dispersing them in an aqueous medium, with sizes around 16 nm. Hence these nanoparticles are promising for nanothermometry applications in the second biological window.
Project director:Carvajal Martí, Joan Josep
Department:Química Física i Inorgànica
Education area(s):Nanociència, Materials i Processos - Tecnologia Química de Frontera 
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:30
Work's public defense date:2016-09-09
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Chemical engineering
Creation date in repository:2017-09-28
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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