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Diseño de una instalación modular de carga de cisternas para transporte por carretera de ácido nítrico - TFM:246

Student:Domosbian Engler, Jorge Martín
Title in original language:Diseño de una instalación modular de carga de cisternas para transporte por carretera de ácido nítrico
Title in different languages:Design of a modular tank loading system for road transport of nitric acid
Subject:Enginyeria mecànica
Abstract:Nitricomax, part of the MAXAM group since 2013, is a nitric acid plant situated in La Canonja (Tarragona). It benefits from a strategic location, which is very important for the development of global operations within the group. Consequently, it is planning to expand its installations and grow its production portfolio, which implies the need to revise the tank filling process, with the aim of reducing filling times, hence achieving greater efficiency of logistical resources. The main objective of the current project consists of designing a modular tank filling installation to use to transport nitric acid by road. The filling station should be modular in order to be establish as standard operation for tank filling in the different MAXAM production centres around the world. Consequently, according to these needs, consider installing one, two or more tank filling stations. The analysis of the existing filling station resulted in the need for actions of paramount importance with the aim of reducing the time taken to fill the tank and to increase the security of the installation: increase the size of the lines, install loading arms, replace pumps, a new platform to access the upper level of the tank, etc. Finally, the benefits due to the implementation of the improvements can be analysed in relation to the optimisation of the working time of the operator, up to €40,000 per year per refill line, and in relation to energy savings achieved by the pumps: an economic benefit of €250 per year, securing a 70% higher capacity compared to the current system.
Project director:De la Flor López, Silvia
Department:Enginyeria Mecànica
Education area(s):Enginyeria Industrial
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2017-09-14
Academic year:2016-2017
Subject areas:Mechanical engineering
Creation date in repository:2017-10-06
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