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Assessment of nickel nanofoam as a novel material to be used as a current collector for supercapacitors - TFM:299

Student:Soler Bertran, Jacob
Title in original language:Assessment of nickel nanofoam as a novel material to be used as a current collector for supercapacitors
Title in different languages:Assessment of nickel nanofoam as a novel material to be used as a current collector for supercapacitors
Keywords:Supercapacitor, nanofoam, collector
Abstract:Porous current collectors offer a conductive network for a fast electron transport and a porous environment through which the electrolyte can wet the active material. In supercapacitors and other energy storage devices, this may be a great advantage over the commonly used metal foil current collectors. The objective of this work is to produce a supercapacitor electrode based on manganese dioxide supported onto a nickel nanofoam current collector without using insulating binders to fix the manganese dioxide on the current collector. Two approaches are attempted and compared to produce the manganese dioxide: electrodeposition and combustion synthesis.
Project director:Fragoso Sierra, Alex
Department:Enginyeria Química
Education area(s):Nanociència, Materials i Processos - Tecnologia Química de Frontera 
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:24
Work's public defense date:2017-12-09
Academic year:2016-2017
Subject areas:Chemistry
Creation date in repository:2018-03-21
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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