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Short Tandem Repeats en la investigació biològica de la paternitat. Estudi d'un cas de paternitat per gestació subrogada - TFM:324

Student:Tell Sanchez, Marta
Title in original language:Short Tandem Repeats en la investigació biològica de la paternitat. Estudi d'un cas de paternitat per gestació subrogada
Title in different languages:Short Tandem Repeats in the investigation of biological paternity. Study of a case of paternity by surrogate pregnancy
Keywords:STR, paternity test, non coding DNA, repetitive DNA, alleged pather, mutations, surrogate pregnancy
Subject:Bioquímica i biotecnologia
Abstract:For the study of a paternity between an alleged father and his progenitor, the paternity testing it’s a very useful tool and widely recognized. To carry out this test, some specifically regions of the genome are analysed: STRs. These sequences are formed by a consensual sequence which is being repeated X times in the chromosome that is located. Furthermore, they belong to the no-coding DNA, traduced to a protein. The number of repetitions is very variable between individuals and it’s where the importance of the differentiation of individuals is. Studying a STR system, a genetic profile of all the involved individuals is going to be obtained (usually alleged father and sons or daughters) and then include or exclude this alleged father of a biological paternity with a statistical valuation.
Project director:Raúl Beltran
Department:Bioquímica i Biotecnologia
Education area(s):Genètica, Física i Química Forense
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:18
Work's public defense date:2018-09-07
Academic year:2017-2018
Subject areas:Biochemistry and biotechnology
Creation date in repository:2018-09-27
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