Repositori institucional URV
Español Català English
Propuesta de desarrollo de las competencias intercultural y pragmática en las asignaturas de Prácticas del Lenguaje y Lengua y Literatura para combatir la discriminación en las aulas y fomentar la integración entre los alumnos - TFM:350

Student:Rodríguez Loredo, Alicia
Title in original language:Propuesta de desarrollo de las competencias intercultural y pragmática en las asignaturas de Prácticas del Lenguaje y Lengua y Literatura para combatir la discriminación en las aulas y fomentar la integración entre los alumnos
Title in different languages:A proposal to develop the intercultural and pragmatic competences in the 'Prácticas del Lenguaje' and 'Lengua y Literatura' subjects, to fight aigainst discrimination and promote integration between students
Keywords:high school; migration; Spanish as a second language; linguistic variants; language contact; Aboriginal languages; immigration languages; multiculturalism
Subject:Dades. Transmissió
Abstract:Nowadays, Buenos Aires city and its sorroundings is a zone of linguistic and cultural confluence, as a result of numerous migrations movements. In this paper I present the implications that this phenomenon has for Spanish teaching in high school, and postulate that the apprenticeship could be improved if the development of intercultural and pragmatic competences becomes a general objective in the Prácticas del Lenguaje and Lengua y Literatura designs. I also offer a set of educational orientations to promote the development of both competences, which I think would encourage integration of pupils and combat social and linguistic discrimination among students in school. On a more ambitious level, these contributions represent a reconceptualization of the Spanish class as a democratic space where all cultures and languages –as well as its variants– are valued, bilingualism is strengthened and tools are provided towards language proficiency. At the same time, this will allow students to participate in the society and to feel equally valued, beyond cultural differences.
Project director:Gibert Escofet, Isabel
Department:Filologies Romàniques
Education area(s):Ensenyament de Llengües - Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2016-06-28
Academic year:2015-2016
Creation date in repository:2019-01-23
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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