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Disseny i anàlisi mètrica d'un instrument d'avaluació de la transferència en l'àmbit urgent i emergent - TFM:376

Student:Tortosa Alted, Ruth
Title in original language:Disseny i anàlisi mètrica d'un instrument d'avaluació de la transferència en l'àmbit urgent i emergent
Title in different languages:Design and metric analysis of a transfer assessment tool in the urgent and emerging field
Keywords:handover communication, handoff, emergency department, pre-hospital, nurse, evaluation tool
Abstract:Introduction: the lack of consensus regarding the effective handoff represents a potential barrier in the transfer process, showing currently, deficiencies and great variability in practice. So far, there is a lack of validated assessment instruments and experienced that evaluate the handoff process in the field of urgent and emerging, considering it necessary to research in this field in order to identify nursing practices that lead to better results and allow for the advance and progress in this process. Objective: to design and validate an evaluation instrument that allows measuring the handoff in the field of urgent and emerging. Methodology: the project will take place in two phases. In the first phase will design and build the instrument of evaluation from the bibliography and a discussion group made up of experts, as well as a conducting a pilot test. And, in the second phase will be a transversal metric analysis of the instrument designed.
Project director:Roldán Merino, Juan
Education area(s):Investigació en Ciències de la Infermeria
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:11
Work's public defense date:2018-06-21
Academic year:2017-2018
Creation date in repository:2019-05-03
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