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Corpus Prosopographicum Tarraconense: una proposta metodològica - TFM:391

Student:Varona Rubio, Pablo
Title in original language:Corpus Prosopographicum Tarraconense: una proposta metodològica
Title in different languages:Corpus Prosopographicum Tarraconense: a methodological approach
Keywords:prosopography, society, Tarraco
Subject:Edificis. Instal·lacions
Abstract:The Roman epigraphical heritage of Tarragona has an exceptional quality, quantity and diversity, and it is widely documented due to its recently updated and thoroughly reviewed chapter from the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, as well as other thematic inventories enhancing our knowledge about local Roman inscriptions. On that basis, it was decided to supply Tarraco with a prosopographical inventory to complement the many case studies conducted. Given the scale of the resulting inventory, it was deemed appropriate to start the project with a first stage dedicated to figures present in the local epigraphy dated between the Second Punic War and the rule of Vespasian. A register of epigraphically documented individuals was made and a database was compiled with each one’s genealogical, social, ethnical, archaeometrical and chronological information to its treatment according to traditional prosopographical standards further on, analysing each gens as a whole. Furthermore, a case study was performed in order to test the potentialities of the applied methodology focused on female social roles documented in the epigraphy from the given timeframe.
Project director:Gorostidi Pi, Diana
Department:Història i Història de lArt
Education area(s):Arqueologia Clàssica
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2017-06-20
Academic year:2016-2017
Creation date in repository:2019-06-04
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