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Caracterització de les fortificacions a la Laietània durant l'ibèric ple (450-200 aC) - TFM:399

Student:Cuscó Badia, Oriol
Title in original language:Caracterització de les fortificacions a la Laietània durant l'ibèric ple (450-200 aC)
Title in different languages:Characterization of the fortifications in Laietania during the full Iberian period (450-200 BC)
Keywords:Laietania, full Iberian period, fortifications
Subject:Edificis. Instal·lacions
Abstract:This work is a study of the best-known fortified settlements of Laietania during the full Iberian period (450-200 BC). First of all, a typological classification of their defensive systems is proposed, grouping them in three categories according to their power and complexity. Then, this typology is correlated with other variables referring to settlements, both at the territorial (through analyzes with GIS) and archaeological level (extent, chronology, urban planning, materials...). This way, the most relevant variables to understand the differences between fortifications are recognized, and we detect a close relationship with the settlement hierarchy defined in previous studies in Iberian Laietania.
Project director:Belarte Franco, Maria Carme
Work's codirector:Olmos Benlloch, Pau
Department:Història i Història de lArt
Education area(s):Arqueologia Clàssica
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2017-09-13
Academic year:2016-2017
Creation date in repository:2019-06-05
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