Repositori institucional URV
Español Català English
Propuesta de portfolio de actividades para la integración de la cultura y las TIC en la clase de ELE - TFM:419

Student:Serres Garcia, Albert
Title in original language:Propuesta de portfolio de actividades para la integración de la cultura y las TIC en la clase de ELE
Title in different languages:Proposal of a portfolio of activities for the integration of culture and TIC in the ELE class
Keywords:Culture, TIC, Spanish as a foreign language (ELE)
Subject:Dades. Transmissió
Abstract:The present work claims the importance of including culture and ICT in Spanish as foreign language (ELE) classes, contents and useful resources so the students can develop the necessary competencies and skills in order to communicate effectively in the target language. This claim has materialized in a portfolio of activities designed within the framework of the communicative aproach for projects, a didactic proposal that promotes the significant useof ICT resources and focuses its learning objectives on culture.
Project director:Moreno Villanueva, José Antonio
Department:Filologies Romàniques
Education area(s):Ensenyament de Llengües - Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:6
Work's public defense date:2019-06-21
Academic year:2018-2019
Creation date in repository:2019-10-14
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