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Pompa cerimonial i culte a Nèmesi a l'amfiteatre de Tàrraco. Restitució de l'edifici a través del ritual - TFM:426

Student:Codina Peñarroja, Carme
Title in original language:Pompa cerimonial i culte a Nèmesi a l'amfiteatre de Tàrraco. Restitució de l'edifici a través del ritual
Title in different languages:Ceremonial pomp and Nemesis' cult in Tarraco's amphitheater. Restitution of the building through ritual
Keywords:reconstruction, amphitheater, processions
Subject:Edificis. Instal·lacions
Abstract:The present work purposes a reconstruction of some of the worse musealized areas in Tarragona's amphitheater. We present a summary of the pompa amphitheatralis, the procession preceding the games, as connecting theme; we also show the possible development of the ritual in the city of Tarraco. This way the sectors to be reconstructed are: first, the eastern entrance or Porta Triumphalis, which lead the entourage to the arena; second, the upper sacellum, where the priests conducted the liturgies for the inauguration of the games; third, the southern area, through which the gladiators and the VIPs left the arena to their positions (for the first group, the service's rooms located in the underground, while for the second one, the authorities stand); and last but not least, the sanctuary under the arena, where the gladiators could perform their last prayers before the combat began.
Project director:Ruiz de Arbulo, Joaquín
Department:Història i Història de lArt
Education area(s):Arqueologia Clàssica
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2019-06-21
Academic year:2018-2019
Creation date in repository:2019-10-14
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