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HACIA UN MODELO DE DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE- Una valoración del paisaje desde la cosmovisión indigena amazonica del Ecuador - TFM:478

Student:Carrión Gualán, Paulo César
Title in original language:HACIA UN MODELO DE DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE- Una valoración del paisaje desde la cosmovisión indigena amazonica del Ecuador
Title in different languages:TOWARD A MODEL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT An assessment of the landscape from the indigenous Amazonian worldvision of the Ecuador
Keywords:Worldview , Sustainable Development, Landscape
Abstract:At the Amazonian Region of the Ecuador, one of the protected more important areas of the country meets . His riches so much native like cultural an only place makes of the Parque Nacional Yasuni in the world. You have regrettably seen this place recognized by the UNESCO like Reserva of the Biosphere threatened by the expansion of the oil frontier. ITT claimed through a revolutionary named initiative Yasuni himself preserving this patrimony through the collection for part of the International Community of 50 % of the that potentially could be obtained of the exploitation of the deposits in the 2007 of raw the fact that they find the world in this place, regrettably did neglectful case to a proposal that was intending to be the transit toward an economy behind oil and the start toward a new civilizing paradigm. In this place whose styles and biotic and abiotic ways to exist inhabit ancestral and millenarian towns they make possible the equilibrium of the ecosystem within the park; However we met in front of the latent threat to continue and to intensify the exploitation of raw due to the failure of strategy, this would incur in not only the extermination of the Nature but of the ancestral towns than they inhabit in her. The sustainable tourism therefore rises up in front of an economy of extraction like strategy of a solidary economy than concerts mechanisms of preservation of the ambient midway; In this sense the understanding the territory from the indigenous Amazonian world vision and particularly the landscape and his elements not like resources but like components of the being of his symbiotic relation and you are essential to the hour to understand the territory and through it to propose tourist initiatives that respond to the needs of one good living ( Sumak Kawsay ). Considering tools of communicative low exploration this frame becomes fundamental when it is intended to interpret the territory from I put them under restraint and through it to try to obtain it of an integral way.
Project director:SOLADIÉ BORRAZ, OSCAR
Education area(s):Anàlisi i Gestió del Territori - Planificació, Governança i Lideratge Territorial
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2016-09-21
Academic year:2015-2016
Subject areas:Geography
Creation date in repository:2020-01-15
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