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Estudio Piloto Transversal de la Dependencia Funcional tras sufrir una fractura de cadera en la población de 65 años y más en la comarca del Baix Camp - TFM:514

Student:Gironés Andrade, Ana Belén
Title in original language:Estudio Piloto Transversal de la Dependencia Funcional tras sufrir una fractura de cadera en la población de 65 años y más en la comarca del Baix Camp
Title in different languages:Pilot Transversal Study of Functional Dependence after suffering a hip fracture in the population aged 65 and over in the Baix Camp region
Keywords:falls, hip fracture, elderly, functional capacity
Abstract:Objective: Analyse which factors may be associated with greater functional dependence in patients with a hip fracture. Design: Transversal descriptive pilot study. Participants: 36 study subjects who are 65 years of age and over, who suffered a hip fracture and were admitted to Sant Joan Hospital in Reus during the first quarter of 2017. Methods: The functional capacity for activities of daily living (ADL) was analysed using the Barthel scale as a measurement instrument. The J.H. Downton risk scale was used to assess the risk of falling amongst the elderly. Finally, we analysed some factors that could be most related to having a functional impairment. Results: 69.4% of the subjects studied were women (n=25). The mean age for a hip fracture was 85 years. The results obtained for functional dependence were the following: total dependence 19.4% (n=7), severe dependence 25.0% (n=9), moderate dependence 19.4% (n=7) and slight dependence 36.1% (n=13). There were no subjects for complete autonomy. The risk of falling was low in 16.7% (n=6), medium: 47.2% (n=17) and high: 36.1% (n=13). The associated risk factors analysed, and the sample frequency were: Cognitive impairment: 33.3% (n=12), Sensory alterations: 50.0% (n=18); History of previous falls: 77.8% (n=28); Polymedication (5 or more drugs): 66.7% (n=24). The percentage of refracture was 8.3% (3), all women. Conclusion: In patients with hip fracture the risk factor that was most associated with functional decline was the presence of cognitive impairment. Polymedication and sensory alterations showed a clinical trend. There is a high percentage of population with functional dependence after suffering a hip fracture. Almost 63.9% of the subjects were considered very functionally dependent, while only 36.1% were considered slightly dependent. The older the patients are, the higher is the risk of falling.
Project director:de Febrer Martínez, Gabriel
Work's codirector:Romeu Ferran, Marta
Department:Medicina i Cirurgia
Education area(s):Envelliment i Salut
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2020-07-03
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Health sciences
Creation date in repository:2020-10-28
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