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Análisis de emisiones de tecnologías alternativas en vehículo pesado - TFM:542

Student:Lebrato Núñez, Javier
Title in original language:Análisis de emisiones de tecnologías alternativas en vehículo pesado
Title in different languages:Analysis of emissions of alternative technologies on heavy vehicles
Keywords:Pems, lng, natural gas trucks
Subject:Enginyeria mecànica
Abstract:This project analyzes current technologies for applications in heavy vehicles, more specifically trucks, explaining in greater detail the technology used at the engine level and in exhaust gas aftertreatment systems. The objective of the project is to study the real road emissions of a series of trucks using different fuels, both conventional (diesel) and alternative (natural gas). Field measurements are carried out thanks to a (portable) equipment for measuring emissions, called PEMS. On the other hand, with the intention of analyzing the total environmental impact of the fuels examined, a comparison is established taking into account both the CO2 emissions from the extraction and distribution of the fuel (Well-to-tank, WtT), and those related to that issued by vehicle (tank-to-Wheels, TtW). This type of analysis (called Well-to-Wheels, WtW) is frequently carried out to determine with certainty what is the true reduction in the carbon footprint of currently available fuels.
Project director:Vallès Rasquera, Joan Manel
Department:Enginyeria Mecànica
Education area(s):Enginyeria Industrial
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2020-07-14
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Mechanical engineering
Creation date in repository:2020-11-26
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