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Efecte de l’aplicació de l’intercanvi catiònic sobre la composició i qualitat del Cava - TFM:616

Student:Just Borràs, Arnau
Title in original language:Efecte de l'aplicació de l'intercanvi catiònic sobre la composició i qualitat del Cava
Title in different languages:Effect of the cationic exchange columns on the composition and quality of Cava
Keywords:sparkling wine, cationic exchange column, climate change
Abstract:Sparkling wines are the result of the second fermentation of a base wine and are characterized for having a low alcohol content (no more than 11º) . Cava is the brand for the sparkling wine produced mainly in Catalonia. This industry is an important sector for the local economy. It is regulated by the Cava Regulatory Board. The Cava must have high acidity levels and low pH to ensure an optimal freshness and conservation during ageing. However, due to climate change the grape juice “must” obtained from the grapes is changing its properties. The main consequence of the climate change is the increase of must’s pH which results in a higher accumulation of sugar in grapes. Therefore, the higher pH could endanger the oenological, chemical and organoleptic propierties of the product in the future years. To revert these effects and acidify musts, there are some methods like adding “legal” acids or using cation exchange columns. These columns decrease the pH by replacing the potassium ions (K+) present in the must with protons (H+). The aim of this work was to analyse which effect will have the cation exchange FreeK+ column by AGROVIN in the enological, chemical an organoleptic properties of Cava. To study these effects, different blendings were made by mixing normal must with increasing percentages of must (from 0% to 45%) treated with the FreeK+ columns. After the blending, the musts were fermented to obtain the base wine. These base wines were submitted to a second fermentation to obtain Cava. Different parameters have been analysed both in the base wine and in the young Cava aged for eleven months and results have shown that the system did not damage any quality of the product, thus confirming that the cation exchange is a promising system.
Project director:Zamora Marín, Fernando
Work's codirector:Canals Bosch, Joan Miquel
Department:Bioquímica i Biotecnologia
Education area(s):Begudes Fermentades
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:15
Work's public defense date:2020-07-15
Academic year:2019-2020
Subject areas:Enology
Creation date in repository:2021-03-25
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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