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La protección de la calidad del aire en contexto de una Smart City: Barcelona - TFM:66

Student:Faccioli, Carlotta
Title in original language:La protección de la calidad del aire en contexto de una Smart City: Barcelona
Title in different languages:Protection of the quality of the air in the context of the Smart City: Barcelona
Keywords:pollution, air, smart city
Abstract:This work, entitled "The protection of air quality in the context of the Smart City: Barcelona," tries to reveal new insights regarding the issue of the protection of air quality, or at least offer an approach to the subject that has so far not done through a multidisciplinary legal analysis covering the topic City intelligent, very modern. In particular, be related to each other very different areas, such as, for example, energy, economy, mobility and the environment, but have a strong environmental impact, we can perform the latest programs and techniques to improve the quality of air in our cities. This work is divided into three chapters: the first focuses on the development of the concept of air pollution and its environmental implications, ie in the development of technical and scientific aspects of the subject. The second chapter is substantially :, legal analyzes national, EU and international regulatory framework for monitoring the quality of air, without any attempt to carry out a full and thorough investigation on the complete legal framework on the subject. With this touch on fundamental law which states that it is the opposite, first of all, the positive aspects and problems of it and its impact on improving air quality in our country. The third chapter is devoted entirely to the Smart City. It firstly analyzes the concept and structure then focus on measures to improve air quality, especially in Barcelona and Sabadell. The aim is to identify the most appropriate guide for this purpose tools and principles throughout its development.
Project director:Casado Casado, Lucía
Department:Dret Públic
Education area(s):Dret Ambiental
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Work's public defense date:2015-09-07
Academic year:2014-2015
Subject areas:Juridical sciences
Creation date in repository:2016-02-08
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