Repositori institucional URV
Español Català English
Evaluating the development of writing skills through creative writing instruction in an ESL high school classroom. - TFM:803

Student:Serra Trives, Joan
Title in original language:Evaluating the development of writing skills through creative writing instruction in an ESL high school classroom.
Title in different languages:Evaluating the development of writing skills through creative writing instruction in an ESL high school classroom.
Keywords:Creative writing, ESL, writing
Abstract:This study observes the development of student’s writing skills when exposed to creative writing, and how the focus solely in prose creative writing influences the areas of adequacy, cohesion, coherence, lexicon, morphosyntax and spelling. Three classes of 4º de ESO Spanish-Catalan students were split into two experimental groups and one control group, and the two experimental groups engaged in creative writing sessions.
Project director:Gutierrez Colon Plana, Maria del Mar
Department:Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Education area(s):Ensenyament i Adquisició de l'Anglès com a Llengua Estrangera - Segona Llengua
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:9
Work's public defense date:2021-09-15
Academic year:2020-2021
Subject areas:Philology
Creation date in repository:2021-10-11
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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