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Adaptive control traffic system based on genetic algorithms - TFM:995

Student:Barrero Díaz, Miguel Ángel
Title in original language:Adaptive control traffic system based on genetic algorithms
Title in different languages:Adaptive control traffic system based on genetic algorithms
Keywords:Genetic algorithms,Traffic management,Artificial intelligence
Subject:Enginyeria informàtica
Abstract:From the beginning of the road traffic, the infrastructures and regulations have evolved with the objective of being adapted to the increasingly volume of vehicles and its interaction with pedestrians. Traffic lights were developed aimed to automate the traffic regulation in road intersections and the police officers were replaced by traffic lights geared by automated regulators. This solutions have evolved towards complex systems where many parameters are taking into account and are ,in general, managed from a control center. Usually, these kind of infrastructures has large implementation costs and maintenance expenses and are not feasible in many cases. This paper proposes a solution based on genetic algorithms were each traffic light regulator has it own intelligent agent, which learns from traffic data and takes time distribution decisions in a decentralized way, based only on its own parameters taken from the environment.
Project director:Duch Gavaldá, Jordi
Department:Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques
Education area(s):Enginyeria de la Seguretat Informàtica i Intel·ligència Artificial
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Work's public defense date:2021-09-14
Academic year:2020-2021
Subject areas:Computer engineering
Creation date in repository:2022-05-19
Access Rights:info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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