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Les polítiques d'habitatge i els habitatges buits. La situació actual i els reptes de futur - TFM:99

Student:Santamaría Camallonga, Joaquín
Title in original language:Les polítiques d'habitatge i els habitatges buits. La situació actual i els reptes de futur
Title in different languages:Housing policies and empty homes. The current situation and the future projects
Keywords:Housing policies, empty homes
Subject:Política de l'habitatge
Abstract:Throughout the time the policies of housing carried out in Spain have been based on the massive construction of housings, promoting the property, the credit to the buyers on the part of the financial institutions and the abandon of the protected housing and the market of the housing rent. These actions have led to the indiscriminate raise of the prices of the housings, the creation of a market of housings oversized; it divides of same placed in peripheral places of the cities without practically any type of service for the citizens and an excessive dependence of the mortgage. The beginning of the economic crisis in the year 2007 took to the bankruptcy many construction companies and promoters, the inability to sell the great stock of constructed housings and the increase of the empty housings. In the following work one will proceed to analyze the evolution that the policies of housing have had to Spain, the consequences of the last economic crisis in the aspects related to the housing and the reasons and consequences of the existence of a number so raised of housings you empty at present. Later, there will be analyzed the policies of housing that want to be carried out at present, as well as different offers in order that they do not return to repeat the problems of previous years due to the typology of these policies. Likewise, one will affect on the problematic of the empty housings, the current difficulty for his identification and to know his exact number, as well as the reason of his high existence In last place, there will be exposed the concrete case of Reus's city, as this one, by means of a new Local Plan of Housing, it tries to give solutions to all these problems derived from the last policies of housing and of the existence of empty housings.
Project director:Muro Morales, José Ignacio
Education area(s):Planificació Territorial - Informació, Eines i Mètodes
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFM credits:12
Work's public defense date:2014-09-16
Academic year:2013-2014
Subject areas:Geography
Creation date in repository:2016-04-27
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