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9-PAHPA long term intake in DIO and db/db mice ameliorates insulin sensitivity but has few effects on obesity and associated metabolic disorders - imarina:9287525

URV's Author/s:Ávila Román, Francisco Javier / Cortés Espinar, Antonio Jesús / Mulero Abellán, Miguel
Author, as appears in the article.:Bonafos, Beatrice; Cortes-Espinar, Antonio J.; Balas, Laurence; Pessemesse, Laurence; Lambert, Karen; Benlebna, Melha; Gaillet, Sylvie; Pelletier, Francois; Delobel, Pierre; Avila-Roman, Javier; Abellan, Miquel Mulero; Bertrand-Gaday, Christelle; Durand, Thierry; Coudray, Charles; Casas, Francois; Feillet-Coudray, Christine;
Author identifier:0000-0001-9766-8178
Journal publication year:2023
Publication Type:Journal Publications
APA:Bonafos, Beatrice; Cortes-Espinar, Antonio J.; Balas, Laurence; Pessemesse, Laurence; Lambert, Karen; Benlebna, Melha; Gaillet, Sylvie; Pelletier, Fra (2023). 9-PAHPA long term intake in DIO and db/db mice ameliorates insulin sensitivity but has few effects on obesity and associated metabolic disorders. Journal Of Nutritional Biochemistry, 112(), 109216-. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2022.109216
Papper original source:Journal Of Nutritional Biochemistry. 112 109216-
Abstract:Branched fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids are endogenous lipids reported to have antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Recently, we showed that 9-palmitic acid esters of hydroxypalmitic acid (9-PAHPA) and 9-oleic acid esters of hydroxypalmitic acid increased insulin sensitivity in mice when incorporated to a chow diet or to a high fat and high sucrose diet. However, preventive supplementation with 9-PAHPA and 9-oleic acid esters of hydroxy-palmitic acid in high fat and high sucrose diet mice did not impair significant weight gain or the development of hyperglycemia. The aim of this work was therefore to study whether in two animal models of obesity, namely the classical diet-induced obesity (DIO) and the db/db mice, 9-PAHPA may have ben-eficial effects against obesity and liver and skeletal muscle metabolic dysfunction. In DIO mice, we observed that 9-PAHPA increased body weight and fat mass. In line with this observation, we found that 9-PAHPA supplementation decreased energy expenditure. In liver and in skeletal muscle, mitochondrial activities and oxidative stress parameters were not modified by 9-PAHPA supplementation. In db/db mice, 9-PAHPA had no effect on the dramatic weight gain and hyperglycemia. In addition, 9-PAHPA supplementation did not correct either the hepatomegaly and hepatic steatosis or the severe muscle atrophy recorded compared with db/ + animals. Likewise, supplementation with 9-PAHPA did not impact the different metabolic parameters analyzed, either in the liver or in the skeletal muscles. However, it decreased insulin resistance in DIO and db/db mice. In conclusion, our study indicated that a long-term intake of 9-PAHPA in DIO and db/db mice improved insulin sensitivity but had only few effects on obesity and associated metabolic disorders. (c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Article's DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2022.109216
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Department:Bioquímica i Biotecnologia
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Thematic Areas:Saúde coletiva
Nutrition and dietetics
Nutrition & dietetics
Molecular biology
Medicina veterinaria
Medicina iii
Medicina ii
Medicina i
Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism
Educação física
Clinical biochemistry
Ciências biológicas iii
Ciências biológicas ii
Ciências biológicas i
Ciências agrárias i
Ciência de alimentos
Biochemistry & molecular biology
Leptin receptor
Insulin sensitivity
Fatty-acid esters
De-novo lipogenesis
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Record's date:2024-08-03
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