Student: | Villoro Arnau, Miguel Angel Soto Puig, José Mercader Rubio, Myriam Acuña Barros, José Antonio
Title in original language: | Aumento de la capacidad de una planta de producción de polietileno de baja densidad (PEBD)
Title in different languages: | Increase of the capacity of a production plant of low density polyethylene (PEBD)
Work director: | Valdés, César
Abstract: | The project consists of the increase of the capacity of a production plant of low density polyethylene (PEBD). - The increase of the polymer production in the reactor, is due changing the current initiator, oxygen, for a mix of peroxides organic. To attain this goal, the design of a new will mix installation and the modification of one of the equipment taking into account the operating and economical limitations. -
Education area(s): | Enginyeria Química
Subject: | Polietilè
Subject areas: | Chemical engineering
Departament: | Enginyeria Química
Language: | Castellà
Confidenciality: | No
Work credits: | 33
Academic year: | 2008-2009
Creation date in repository: | 2011-05-30
Entity: | Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Visibility: | Visible sense restriccions
Project public defense date: | 2009
Keywords: | Processing plant Low density polyethylene
Work's qualificative: | Projecte