Student: | Espelta Prime, Josep
Title in original language: | Disseny i realització d'un control automàtic per a una màquina destil·ladora d'alcohol
Title in different languages: | Design and realization of an automatic control for a machine alcohol distiller
Work director: | Valderrama Blavi, Hugo Jorge
Abstract: | This project is an introduction to the theory of processes. It starts with a commercial copper Alambic with a heat exchanger for condensing the liquid and electric stove. We want to automate the process of distillation by controlling the temperature of distillation, and improve the cooling system to automate both processes.
Education area(s): | Enginyeria Automàtica i Electrònica Industrial
Subject: | Reguladors elèctrics Bescanviadors de calor Control de processos
Subject areas: | Electronic engineering
Departament: | Enginyeria Elèctrònica, Elèctrica i Automàtica
Language: | Català
Confidenciality: | No
Academic year: | 2009-2010
Creation date in repository: | 2011-06-14
Work's type: | Industrial
Entity: | Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Visibility: | Visible sense restriccions
Project public defense date: | 2010-03-02
Keywords: | Distillation Refrigeration Automation
Work's qualificative: | Projecte excel·lent
Patents and copyrights: | No