Student: | Sanjuan Ferrús, Rolan
Title in original language: | Control digital de convertidors CC-CC mitjançant dsPIC
Title in different languages: | Digital control of DC-DC converters using dsPIC
Work director: | Vidal Idiarte, Enric
Abstract: | The project completed, aims to meet the integrated chips dsPIC 30F2020 family, as well as experiment and explore, their ability to perform a control on an integrated DC-DC converter or converter Busk, with the aim of create a PWM control system, through the use of different control algorithms, and student data types divided. This system aims also pioneered such applications.
Education area(s): | Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial en Electrònica Industrial
Subject: | Microcontroladors Convertidors continu-continu Control digital
Subject areas: | Electronic engineering
Departament: | Enginyeria Elèctrònica, Elèctrica i Automàtica
Language: | Català
Confidenciality: | No
Academic year: | 2009-2010
Creation date in repository: | 2011-06-14
Work's type: | Industrial
Entity: | Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Visibility: | Visible sense restriccions
Project public defense date: | 2010-10-05
Keywords: | Conversors PWM dsPIC30F2020
Work's qualificative: | Projecte excel·lent
Patents and copyrights: | No