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Anàlisi i proposta estratègica de turisme per al municipi de Sant Esteve de Sesrovires - TFG:1154

Student:Sementé Cuenca, Gloria
Title in original language:Anàlisi i proposta estratègica de turisme per al municipi de Sant Esteve de Sesrovires
Title in different languages:Tourism analysis and strategic aproach to the township of Sant Esteve de Sesrovires
Keywords:Analysis, Tourism, Sant Esteve de Sesrovires
Subject:Turisme i oci
Abstract:Starting from the possibility to revitalize the township of Sant Esteve de Sesrovires, the development of this project was raised, with the objective to show an analysis and strategic approach, to expose the potential, or not, of the township in the tourism sector. The work presented is a research of strategic planning, which it has an analysis specific about the tourism sector and the other sectors that influenced it. It has made a diagnosis about the municipality, analysing demographic dates, tourism development, tourism attractions that can rise the tourism in the municipality or difference it from another one, another strategic plans, and a benchmarking analysis for similar cases that Sant Esteve de Sesrovires case, taking in account the proximity, number of habitants, type of tourism, etc. With this, it has come to know the type of tourism in the municipality, the possible specialization, and where is now Sant Esteve de Sesrovires in the tourism way. Finally, and to finish the data research, and with the objective to know more about the tourism governance, it has made a fidel work consisting in two interview to two people in the municipality who influenced in it: the tourism department of the municipality, and a neighbour who has a restaurant in the township. Once these analyzes has finished, it has identified a number of advantages and disadvantages of the municipality through a SWOT, highlighting the natural areas surrounding it, the little specialization of the territory, some not interesting attractions, proximity to other major cities, wine industry, etc. Finally, it has developed a strategic approach, based on the development of goals, objectives and strategies, market segmentation based on wine tourism, nature tourism and sports tourism, and finally, the development of a business scenario. In this study, it has search the possible promotion of tourism in the municipality through the information search and the development of strategies to achieve this. Once developed, it has been shown that this town has a tourism potential, if it is based on an oenological and natural tourism, although the current management not believe in the tourism sector and therefore have to put more effort for tourism success
Project director:Duro Moreno, Juan Antonio
Education area(s):Turisme
Entity:Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
TFG credits:6
Creation date in repository:2017-02-06
Work's public defense date:2014-09-09
Academic year:2013-2014
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